Kensington Club August 09 2024 – Blue Elephant & the Seven Snakes

Tower Bar Value Fest June 8 2024 – PunchCard, GentrOside, Blue Elephant & The Seven Snakes

The Holding Company May 29 2024 – Blue Elephant & The Seven Snakes

Here I am at The Holding Company, taking photos after Corporate Citizen asked me to come and take photos, and bought me some beers.

I am drunk and ready to leave, when a man comes up to me and says his band is next, and can I take photos of them too?  I tell him I am about to leave, and he asks me “How much to stay and take photos?”

I tell him $100.

So, I stay, take photos, and 2 things come of it:

  1. Blue Elephant and the Seven Snakes turn out to be a fantastic band, and I end up taking photos of them at many more shows.
  2. That is my new threshold – If I am going to be there already, I am happy to take photos for free.  If you want me to come out to a show I wasn’t going to go to, or stay past when I was going home?  $100.